Harrison Mills International Nature Photographic Contest


Activities 本會之經常活動

(Activity Highlights 活動照片)

() 例會:每月兩次,在每個月的第二個星期五晚上和該月的最後的一個星期五晚上舉行。例會內容有學術講座和會員們交流影藝心得。例會活動時間是晚上八時至十時,地址:130-11180 Voyageur Way, Richmond, (從後面進入, 並附有大量停車位 )


() 攝影比賽:一年舉辦兩次會員作品比賽(半年賽),另外一次全年會員作品比賽。

() 評相:為提高和推動會員對攝影的興趣,每年舉辦兩次的會員作品評相活動。

() 攝影班:為推廣攝影藝術和攝影技術培訓,本會有舉辦攝影基礎班至高級班。

() 會員作品展覽:每年舉辦會員作品展覽,供會員展出攝影作品,並與眾分享努力成果。

() 大型集體活動:本會在聖誕節和春節舉行聯歡聚餐。在夏季舉辦會員和家屬郊游野餐。

() 名銜考試:本會設有名銜考試制度,凡考試合格會員,即由本會頒發會士銜或高級會士銜及證書。

() 會員通訊:每月初寄出該月份之會訊,並刊登於本會網頁上,內容包括本會之各項月內的活動和有關攝影的訊息。


**** 本會歡迎各位攝影同好參加各項活動, 更歡迎加入本會為會友. (成為會員) ****


  1. General Meetup

We meet bi-weekly on every second and last Friday of the month from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm in 130-11180 Voyageur Way, Richmond, BC.  In the meetings, we share varies photographic experiences, skills and techniques.  We also invite experience photographers specialized in different field of aspects to conduct educational seminars for all those with a keen interest in photography.  Casual drop-in to our general meeting is welcome.

  1. International Salon of Photography

Chung Ai Photographic Society has been hosting International Salon of Photography in every two years since 2004 in order to promote and motivate the photographic art both locally and internationally.

  1. Member’s Photo Competition

Two semi-annual photo competitions and one annual photo competition exclusively for Chung Ai members take place yearly not only to encourage members to unleash the very best of their creativities and personal styles but also to reveal their high level of technical skills in photography.

  1. Photo Evaluations

Our Society hosts about two evaluation sessions during the year to enhance members’ interest in photography and to shape up their knowledge and skills.  Members’ art-works will be reviewed by certified judge or experienced photographer in these sessions.  Participants will be beneficial to the valuable comments, tips and suggestions given by the judges that inspire their artistic and creative senses toward photography.

  1. Photography Classes

Our Society opens both basic and intermediate photography classes to deliver quality trainings and knowledge to new photographers and to emphasis high standard of photographic art.

  1. Annual Member Photographic Exhibition

Member’s photo exhibition is restricted to members of The Society only and is arranged every year to provide a platform for our members to showcase their artworks and to demonstrate the high standard of technical competence, creativity and personal style.

  1. Annual Activities

Every year, The Society holds annual Lunar New Year Dinner and year end Christmas Dinner to celebrate the seasons of the year with our members.  An annual picnic is normally arranged in August to let new and senior members knowing each other better and thus enhance interpersonal relationship between members.

  1. Distinction Examination

Distinction examination is available for those who are interested in obtaining the Associateship (ACAPS) and Fellowship (FCAPS) awarded by The Honors Committee of The Society.

  1. Newsletter

Newsletter is sent out to members and posted onto our official website early every month to announce the activities arranged for the month and the latest photography news.


**** We welcome other photo enthusiasts to attend our activities and join us as a member. ****











All images in this site are property of their respective owner. Copyright © 2014 Chung Ai Photographic Society